Fed Cup by BNP Paribas : Canada will face Slovakia in World Group Fed Cup playoff

February 13, 2014

IMG_0840Last week end, Canada defeated Serbia 3-1 in a first-round world Group II tie. The sport center Claude Robillard in Montreal was packed and sold out for the entire event.

As the main sponsor of Tennis, and conscious of its role and responsibilities in the Canadian society, BNP Paribas took advantage of the Fed Cup to invite children affected by a tragic fire that arose in Saint Lambert, in the vicinity of Montreal, on Monday, December 23, 2013.

The Canadian team led by Eugénie Bouchard will confront Slovakia, the 5th best team in the tournament on April 19 and 20. The Canadian players will have the benefit of playing at home. The final selection of the city chosen to host the matches will be defined in March. Montreal, Québec and Vancouver are the favourite ones.